Book reviews from duchessbee

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duchessbee's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

King Charles II

by Antonia Fraser

On Jul 11 2014, Duchessbee said:
duchessbee rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
King Charles II by Antonia Fraser. A great book, well written and totally absorbing. I find anything written by Antonia Fraser is a terrific read. She brings her character to life and makes him/her easy to understand. I am a big fan of Charles II and have read quite voraciously many books written of him - this one is up there as one of the best. The same message that occurs book after book was that Charles, though he could be duplicious and weak in some personal areas, was a good king. The common folk revered him, though his taxes, like most royals applied through time, were disliked. He came through a good deal from childhood, fighting with his father and the Royalist 'army' from an early age and when finally defeated and his father captured made his escape by hiding and disguise and the help of common folk who he didnt forget when attained the throne years later. While in exile, broke and homeless, accepting charity from other rulers where and when they gave it and how little they gave, he heard of his fathers execution and was devastated. For ten years he wandered, sometimes not having enough to eat when he learnt Oliver Cromwell had died and he could regain the crown. I know he is known for his affairs and the debauchery of his courtiers but Charles was always a gentleman and kind hearted to the women he had met. He died a terrible death not so much from the disease but from the doctors administering their barbaric rememedies. Even in his pain he thought of others...making sure his current mistress would be looked after and ashamed that he was taking such a long time to die and taking up peoples time. It is said he died as he lived - a gentleman. Fabulous book. I was quite moved at the end and will one day pick it up and read again.