Book reviews from UtasBookbuyer

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UtasBookbuyer's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

The King's Buccaneer

by Raymond E Feist

On Aug 21 2007, UtasBookbuyer said:
UtasBookbuyer rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
Feist has written another wonderful tale of worlds colliding Magic and Muscle. I would highly recommend the entire Riftwar series of novels and the Sons of Krondor stand alones to any who love a good adventure in the world of fantasy. In the King's Buccaneer. Nicholas, youngest son of Arutha discovers there is more in this world than he first thought. He and his friend, enter a world of duplicity and turmoil to discover that they are no longer children but Men, who hold the fate of Nations in their hands. A wonderful read, that paints the world in the readers mind.