Book reviews from Theologicalperspectivescom

Wisconsin, United States

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Theologicalperspectivescom's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

The Age of the Universe

by Gorman Gray

On Nov 13 2007, Theologicalperspectivescom said:
Theologicalperspectivescom rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
I found the perspective offered by Mr. Gray well researched and a realistic solution to the controversy that exists relative to the issue of the age of the universe/earth. I, myself, had come to the same conclusions as to Genesis 1:1-2 some time back and discuss this issue in a series of essays regarding the evolution/creation controversy on my website. I was especially pleased that Mr. Gray emphasized the need to consider the wide range of meaning contained in Hebrew words and the need to always consider the context when choosing what meaning should be used. For example, he shows the many meanings of the Hebrew word (asah) which in most translations is translated "made" in Genesis 1:16. The context, of Genesis one, however, shows this word needs to be translated "brought forth" or "arranged" which are both legitimate translations of this Hebrew word. In my own studies of Hebrew words I found that The Hebrew word translated create (bara) denotes the concept of initiating something new while the Hebrew word translated made (asah) denotes the fashioning of an object already existing and the doing of work. (See Theological Word Book of the Old Testament for an indebt explanation of these words). I highly recommend Mr. Grays book as it provides a practical yet evidence based look at the creation issue.