The Bear Bookshop, John Greenberg specializes in Fine Arts & Architecture, History: American, English, European, Literature & Literary Criticism, Music & Musical Biography, Philosophy And Religion, Science, Social Sciences, Theatre And Theatre Criticism
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A used and rare bookshop with over 25,000 volumes on all subjects. The Bear Booskhop, founded in 1975, has a strong collection in most academic areas.
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The Bear Bookshop, John Greenberg
564 Butterfield Rd
Brattleboro, VT05301USA
Phone:(802) 464-2260
Terms of sale for The Bear Bookshop, John Greenberg
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We generally ship by U.S. Postal Service.
For international customers, if global priority mail is available, we will not ship surface mail.
We are happy to use other carriers or provide other priority services for an additional charge. We will email the charges to you for your approval.
Vermont residents please add 5% sales tax, or provide resale number.
All books are offered subject to prior sale. If we do not receive payment with your order (e.g. if you are sending a check or money order), we will hold the book for 1 week from the date of your email confirming that your check has been sent before allowing other customers to purchase it. If you need more time, please email us. If you are not purchasing the book, we would appreciate your letting us know immediately.
For further information about our books, please contact us between 10AM and 10PM Eastern time.