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An interview with Bonafide Collections

Biblio checks in with Bonafide Collections to learn more about their book business, collecting interests and more! To view and shop their inventory, click here.

When did you get started in bookselling?

Bonafide Collections started its journey in 2009.

What drew you to bookselling?

It's all started from reading habit to book collections.

Did you have any mentors in becoming a bookseller?


What are your specialties as a dealer?

We are specialised in First edition signed copies only.

What's the most amazing book you've ever sold?

J.K. Rowling - The Casual Vacancy

What is your favorite part of being a bookseller?

The opportunity to meet all the great authors and writers.

Do you have an open storefront or have you in the past?

Not yet but we are working on this.

If so, do/did you have any bookstore pets?


What is your favorite bookshop (other than your own)?

Daunt Books

What do you personally like to read? Collect?


What's your favorite book you personally own? Would you sell it, if the price were right?

Not for sale.