Book reviews from CWSMALL

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CWSMALL's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Hunter Brown and the Secret of the Shadow

by Christopher Miller, Allan Miller

On Dec 8 2008, CWSMALL said:
CWSMALL rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
Hunter Brown and the Secret of the Shadow is an amazing book is filled with action, love, adventure, and an evil force that�s trying to take over the amazing work of the code of life. Once you take one fateful look at this book you will be drawn into the magical realm called Solandria as if you were actually there. In a Quest to help his friends, Hunter Brown has to save the world from the evil monster called the Shadow. With the help of three friends, he goes off to take out Venator , an evil Shadow warrior with the power to command an army of vile creatures. Will Hunter succeed, or will he fail? The only way to find out is to read it for yourself. �CW Small