Book reviews from Babsie

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Babsie's average rating is 5 of 5 Stars.

Journey Toward Justice

by Dennis Fritz

On Jan 6 2007, Babsie said:
Babsie rated this book 5 of 5 Stars.
I heard so much about John Grishman's Book the Innocent Man and wanted to know more about the case and the other innocent man, Dennis Fritz and his Memoir Journey Toward Justice touched my heart. Dennis Fritz wrote of his plight with elegance. He was accused, convicted and imprisoned for 12 years for a crime he did not commit. Reading about his ordeal that examins the many mistakes and deceptions that led to his conviction and 12 year incarceration, makes you think this can happen to just about anyone. He was a school teacher and a family man before being accused. I was touched by the total amount of injustice that he received. A captivating story on both personal and more importantly legal level. The 12 years in prison he immersed himself in an intense study of the law and wrote hundreds of letters and appellate briefs in his own defense. He wrote in a way I felt his frustrations, anger and happiness and gave me great insight into a flawed justice system. Read his book and find out why he followed a certain Diet of his, sad true and amazing. He writes about how he never Blamed the Lord He solely relied on his Faith in God to make it through. I was amazed how he worked diligently seeking his Freedom and how his Faith kept him emotionally stable during his time in prison. A MUST READ