The Quality of Mercy Paperback - 2009
by Faye Kellerman
- Used
- Good
- Paperback
Rebecca Lopez, the daughter of Queen Elizabeth's physician, guards secrets she dares not reveal. She is a Jew who practices her prohibited religion clandestinely and helps others of her banned faith escape persecution and death. But Rebecca's love of excitement sparks a romantic passion with would-be playwright Will Shakespeare, and plunges them both into a viper's nest of intrigue and murder.
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- Title The Quality of Mercy
- Author Faye Kellerman
- Binding Paperback
- Edition Reprint
- Condition Used - Good
- Pages 592
- Volumes 1
- Language ENG
- Publisher HarperCollins Publishers, New York, New York
- Date 2009
- Bookseller's Inventory # G0061582514I3N00
- ISBN 9780061582516 / 0061582514
- Weight 1 lbs (0.45 kg)
- Dimensions 8 x 5.2 x 1.1 in (20.32 x 13.21 x 2.79 cm)
- Chronological Period: 16th Century
- Chronological Period: 20th Century
- Cultural Region: British
- Sex & Gender: Feminine
- Dewey Decimal Code FIC
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