A Bear Called Paddington Paperback - 2016
by Michael Bond
- Used
- very good
- Paperback
Paddington first charmed American audiences 40 years ago. Now a new generation will be won over by Paddington's particular brand of preposterous humor and gentle satire. Illustrations.
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- Title A Bear Called Paddington
- Author Michael Bond
- Series Paddington
- Binding Paperback
- Edition Reprint
- Condition Used - Very Good
- Pages 176
- Volumes 1
- Language ENG
- Publisher HarperCollins Publishers
- Date 2016
- Illustrated Yes
- Features Illustrated
- Bookseller's Inventory # G0062422758I4N00
- ISBN 9780062422750 / 0062422758
- Weight 0.3 lbs (0.14 kg)
- Dimensions 7.63 x 5.13 x 0.38 in (19.38 x 13.03 x 0.97 cm)
- Ages 08 to 12 years
- Grade levels 3 - 7
- Reading level 750
- Cultural Region: British
- Holiday: Christmas
- Library of Congress subjects Bears
- Dewey Decimal Code FIC
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About this book
From the rear cover
The stories of Paddington Bear have delighted children all around the world for over 50 years.
"A bear? In Paddington Station?"
Mrs. Brown looked at her husband in amazement.
"Don't be silly, Henry. There can't be!"
Paddington Bear had just traveled all the way from Peru when the Brown family first met him in Paddington Station. Since then, their lives have never been quite the same . . . for ordinary things become extraordinary when Paddington is involved.