Open bookstores within 50 miles of 47710-4512

We found 7 independent new or used book store(s) near 47710-4512 with open storefronts. If you are interested in visiting one of these stores, we highly advise that you contact them first by email or phone to verify store hours. And, be sure to say 'Biblio says hello!' when you stop by!

Book Mountain Co

Book Mountain Co also has a brick-and-mortar store! Visit them in:

Evansville, Indiana, United States

Two locations in vendor malls in Evansville, IN. Rare and uncommon books sold strictly here on biblio. Come visit 3000 books at Shopper's Paradise, 411 S. Barker ave and 1000 books at His and Hers, 2418 N First Ave.
Or visit the website, Connect thru Facebook

Days of Old Books

Wadesville, Indiana, United States

Online bookstore with 18 years of selling experience and thousands of successful transactions.

Lil Ziggi's Books

Evansville, Indiana, United States

I am just a girl who loves books and wants to share that love with others who share the same interest.

Linda's Little Book Shop

Evansville, Indiana, United States

Just a few choice books to sell.

Mark's Vintage Paperbacks

Evansville, Indiana, United States

I have been collecting and selling vintage paperbacks for about 30 years now. I especially love the cover art of the old pb's from the 40s and 50s. I hope you can find something of interest in my store.

Pepper's Old Books

Pepper's Old Books also has a brick-and-mortar store! Visit them in:

Hanson, Kentucky, United States

***HAPPY HOLIDAY'S***Our Store is located in Hanson, KY (Smallest Historical Town in KY)..We are NOW OPEN....Stop in if passing through our neck of the Woods...Keep Searching we have Lots more Books to list....

Rosebud Collectible Books and Music

Evansville, Indiana, United States

“Rosebud” is the first word spoken in Orson Welles’s film, Citizen Kane, and the movie closes with an image of a rosebud on a child’s sled. In between, the entire film is interviews with characters who knew Kane by a reporter trying to find what “rosebud” meant and why Kane would utter that word on his deathbed. “Rosebud,” in the movie, becomes a term synonymous with something greatly desired.
I want to help you find your “ROSEBUD!”
My aim is to offer items that are as worthy of the quest as “rosebud” was in the greatest film or all time.
By collectible, I mean “rare,” “desirable,” and in “excellent condition.” “Carefully selected” would be another apt descriptor for the types of items I try to stock.