Cafes and Bistros Hardcover - 1998
by Martin M. Pegler
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- Acceptable
- Hardcover
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- Title Cafes and Bistros
- Author Martin M. Pegler
- Binding Hardcover
- Edition .......
- Condition Used - Acceptable
- Pages 175
- Volumes 1
- Language ENG
- Publisher Visual Reference Publications, Incorporated, New York, NY
- Date 1998
- Illustrated Yes
- Bookseller's Inventory # G0934590958I5N00
- ISBN 9780934590952 / 0934590958
- Weight 2.55 lbs (1.16 kg)
- Dimensions 12.32 x 9.4 x 0.94 in (31.29 x 23.88 x 2.39 cm)
- Dewey Decimal Code 725
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