busch. Hardcover. Kanten berieben, Teil der Ss.s. Gr. 8º 256 Ss. mit 12 farb. Tafel und 300 Illustr. Farb.illustr. Oln.
Search Results: Titles starting with W from The Book Cellar & Henschel
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- Bookseller inventory: The Book Cellar & Henschel (titles starting with w)
- Bookseller: The Book Cellar & Henschel
Results 1 - 20 of 42
by Harry, Golding (Editor)
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Kanten berieben, Teil der Ss.s
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£13.84£16.15 shipping to USA
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Item Price
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Wahol. The Tate Gallery 1971
by Andy Warhol; Richard Morphey
- Used
- Very Good
- Paperback
- first
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Paperback
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£11.53£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Tate Gallery, 1971. 1st Edition . Soft cover. Very Good/No Jacket. London, Tate Gallery, 1971. 20 x 21 cm, 99 pp. Light wear on covers, pages barely age toned inside, overall very good. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Waldo Peirce
by VARGA, Margit
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Vors. U. Einbd. angedunkelt,so
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£46.13£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
New York, Harper & Brothers, The Hyperion Press,1941. Hardcover. Vors. U. Einbd. angedunkelt,so. 4º.74/2 Ss. Edited by André Gloeckner mit zahlr. schwarz-weiss Illustrationen und einige farbige Tafeln. Plastikfolie überzogen.
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Wanderings in South America, the North-West of the United States and the Antilles in the years 1812, 1816, 1820 and 1824
by Charles Waterton
- Used
- Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- 5th or later Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.38£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Hutchinson & Co., 1906. 5th or later Edition . Hardcover. Good/No Jacket. London, Hutchinson & Co. 1906. 11 x 17 cm, 257 pp + 1 fold-out map- Whole cloth binding. Spine discolored and frayed at the ends. Details in gilt still appreciable. Some foxing inside. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Wanderjahre in Italien.
by GREGOROVIUS, Ferdinand
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Einbd. m. min. Gbrsp.
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£7.69£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Dresden,Jess, (1925). Hardcover. Einbd. m. min. Gbrsp.. Kl.8º.1186/6 Ss. m. 60 Bildtafeln nach zeitgen. Stichen. Dünndruckpapier OLn. Spine faded, head frayed, foxing on the endpapers, the odd spot around the edges of the plates. Overall Good.
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Wanton Mally A Romance of England in the Days of Charles II
by Booth Tarkington
- Used
- fair
- Hardcover
- first
- Condition
- Used - Fair
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£7.69£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
London: William Heinemann, 1933. 1st Edition . Hardcover. Fair/No Jacket. Boards worn, cloth tired. Split between flyleaf and ffep, pages a little toned. First UK Edition We speak Spanish, English and French. Hablamos español, ingles y frances. Nous parlons espagnol, anglais et francais.
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Was ich meinen kleinen lehre und erzähle. Ein Buch für Eltern und Erzieher zur unterhaltenden Belehrung der Kinder.
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Winbd.m.Gbrsp, fleckig und abg
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£19.22£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Frankfurt am Main, Jaeger'sche Verlags-Buchhandlung, o.J.. Hardcover. Winbd.m.Gbrsp, fleckig und abg. 221 Ss. mit Illustr.,einigen Lieder mit Musiknoten und 1 gefalteten Karte.Oln.
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Was ist vornehm ? - Vom Herzens- und gesellschaftlichen Takt
by Krampen Hans Joachim von
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Einband stock., Besitzerverm.a
- Edition
- 7.-10.Tsd.
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£10.76£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Berlin, Langenscheidt, ca. 1919. 7.-10.Tsd. . Hardcover. Einband stock., Besitzerverm.a. VI/4/480 8 Kunstblättern v. Walter Eichberg-Wien. Farbig illustr. Opgmt.m. Goldprägung auf Rücken u. Deckel
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Weg ohne Ende. Ein jüdischer Roman.
by Gerson Stern
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- first
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.38£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Erich Reiss Verlag, 1934. 1st Edition . Hardcover. Very Good/No Jacket. Berlin, Erich Reiss Verlag, 1934. 1st edition. 13 x 19 cm, 475 pp. Covers cloth a bit worn on its edges. Small stain on the first two pages. Margins age toned. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Wege nach Orplid. 25. Bd. Junges Russland
by ROCKENBACH, Dr. Martin
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Rück. fachm. Repariert, Einbd.
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£25.37£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
M.Gladbach-Köln, Orplid. Hardcover. Rück. fachm. Repariert, Einbd.. 72 Ss. m. Holzschnitt v. Hubert Schöllgen und Fotografien. OPp.
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by BREUER, Isaac
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Ob.Teil des Rück abgebrochen,k
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£13.84£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Ffm., Kauffmann, 1923. Hardcover. Ob.Teil des Rück abgebrochen,k. 101 Ss. OPp.
Item Price
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Weisheit des Morgenlandes. Turkisch - Arabisch - Persisch
by Ubersetzt von Roda Roda
- Used
- Good
- Hardcover
- first
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£7.69£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
München: Weltbücher-Verlag. 1st Edition . Hardcover. Good. c. 1922 Minor bumps, nicks and scratches to the boards, hinges split, some discolouration to the pages. Two school-library stamps. Text in German. The Book Cellar & Henschel, Buenos Aires
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Wer hat Himmel und Erde gemessen?
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Ss. etw.,ein paar Ss. gebräunt
- Edition
- 2. Überarbeitete Auflage
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£11.53£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Zrch.,Ffm.,Wien, Büchergilde Gutenberg.. 2. Überarbeitete Auflage . Hardcover. Ss. etw.,ein paar Ss. gebräunt. Gr. 8º. 296 Ss. mit 105 Abb. und 1 schwarzer und 1 farb Ausschnitt der neuen Landeskarte. OLn. mit OU
Item Price
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Werke. Kritisch durchgesehene und erläuterte Ausgabe mit Einl. v. Harry Maync.
by KELLER, Gottfried
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£76.89£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Bln., Propyläen, 1921.. Hardcover. 5 Bde. Gr. 8º. OHLdr. Einbd. und Druckanordnung v. Hugo Steiner-Prag.
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Werke und Tage Gesammelte Aufsätze / Aus der Welt der Arbeit Skizzen
by Max Maria von Weber
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£61.51£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Weimar / Berlin: Freidrich Voigt / R. Lesser, 1869. Hardcover. Very Good/No Jacket. Two books bound in one - Werke und Tage, Voigt, Weimar, 232pp, 1869; Aus der Welt der Arbeit, no date, Lesser, Berlin, 152pp. Spine frayed and covers chipped. Inside some discolouration to the pages,the occasional foxing, nothing serious. We speak Spanish, English and French. Hablamos español, ingles y frances. Nous parlons espagnol, anglais et francais.
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Wesen und Werth des Daseins.(Wert) Untersuchungen zur Feststellung eines Gesammtbewusstseins der Menschheit.
by VON EYE, Dr. A.
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Einbd. m. Schabsp. U. fleck.,
- Edition
- 2. Auflage
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.38£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Charlottenburg, Allgemeine Verlags-Agentur, ca.1878. 2. Auflage . Hardcover. Einbd. m. Schabsp. U. fleck.,. VI/310/2 Ss.Ln. d. Zt.
Item Price
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Westdeutschen Gesellschaft für Familienkunde e.V. Sitz Köln. Stand vom 1. Oktober 1954
by Mitgliederverzeichnis der
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Einbd.m.kl.Einr.angestaubt,son
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£7.69£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Köln, Westdeutsche Gesellschaft für Familienkunde, 1954. Hardcover. Einbd.m.kl.Einr.angestaubt,son. 4º. 14 Ss, Obr.
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Stock Photo: Cover May Be Different
When the Pie was Opened (The Cahiers Series 8)
by Paul Muldoon
- Used
- Near Fine
- Paperback
- first
- Condition
- Used - Near Fine
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Paperback
- ISBN 10 / ISBN 13
- 9780955296383 / 0955296382
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£11.53£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Sylph Editions, 2008. 1st Edition . Soft cover. Near Fine/Very Good. When the Pie was Opened (The Cahiers Series 8). Paris & Lewes, Center for Writers and Translators of the American University of Paris & Sylph Editions, 2008. 15,5 x 24 cm, 41 pp. Sewn booklet with dust wrappers. Near fine. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
Item Price
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Who's Who in World Jewry 1955
by Harry Schneiderman; Itzhak Carmin (editors)
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.38£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Monde Publishers, 1955. Hardcover. Very Good/No Jacket. New York, Who's Who in World Jewry, Monde Publishers, 1955. 20 x 27 cm, 898 pp. Whole cloth covers, stain on front cover. Spine ends frayed. Inside lightly toned, but otherwise in very good condition. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
Item Price
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by Cristina Wiedemann
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- Signed
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£26.91£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Cristina Wiedemann, Fotograbado Nacional, 1970. Hardcover. Very Good. Bogotá, Cristina Wiedemann, Fotograbado Nacional, 1970. 18 x 18,5 cm, unpaginated. 1st edition. Inscribed by Wiedemann to the German art critic Sigwart Blum. Shelf-wear on DJ, minor graze on one of its edges. Whole cloth covers in excellent condition. 24 tipped-in colour plates, also fine. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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