NYU School of Arts, 1968. 1st Edition . Soft cover. Very Good. New York, NYU School of Arts, 1968. 17,5 x 25 cm, 180 pp. Covers a little worn, rubbed. A few pages with edges scuffed, subscription envelope stuck to the first page (advert). Otherwise the interior is in very good condition. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
Search Results: Titles starting with T from The Book Cellar & Henschel
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- Bookseller inventory: The Book Cellar & Henschel (titles starting with t)
- Bookseller: The Book Cellar & Henschel
Results 1 - 20 of 68
TDR / The Drama Review (Vol. 12, Nr. 4). Black Revolutionary Theatre. Theatre of Black Experience
by Ed Bullins, LeRoi Jones, Marvin X, Larry Neal, Sonia Sanchez
- Used
- Very Good
- Paperback
- first
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Paperback
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£19.22£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
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Stock Photo: Cover May Be Different
Tables of Fourier Transforms and Fourier Transforms of Distributions
by Oberhettinger, Fritz
- Used
- Very Good
- Paperback
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Binding
- Paperback
- ISBN 10 / ISBN 13
- 9783540506300 / 3540506306
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.38£16.15 shipping to USA
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Springer, 1990. Soft cover. Very Good/No Jacket. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1990. 15,5 x 23,5 cm, 259 pp. In very good condition, theres only one pencil marking on the free endpaper. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Taekown-Do El arte coreano de la defensa personal
by Choi Hong-hi
- Used
- Near Fine
- Hardcover
- first
- Condition
- Used - Near Fine
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£115.34£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
International Taekwon-Do Federation, 1996. 1st Edition . Hardcover. Near Fine/Good. Traducción al castellano de Pablo Trajtenberg y Héctor Marano. Buenos Aires, International Taekwon-Do Federation, 1996. 1ra edición en castellano. 22,5 x 30 cm, 762 pp. DJ sunned, some tears on its top. Covers in excellent condition. Inside bright and clean. Overall excellent condition. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Tagebuch eines armen Fräuleins. Für die reifere Jugend bearbeitet v. Dr. Werner Werther. Universalbibliothe für die Jugend.
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Kanten gering berieben,sonst g
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£7.69£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Stuttgart, u.a.,Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, ca. 1900. Hardcover. Kanten gering berieben,sonst g. Kl. 8º. 127 Ss. mit 4 Abb. Von Ud. Wald. Goldgepr. Oln.
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Tango Araiz/Stampone con el ballet del Gran Teatro de Ginebra
by Pablo García Reinoso; Jorge Luis Borges
- Used
- Near Fine
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Near Fine
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.38£16.15 shipping to USA
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Ediciones de Arte Gaglianone, 1984. Hardcover. Near Fine/No Jacket. Buenos Aires, Ediciones de Arte Gaglianone, 1984. 24,5 x 28,5 cm, 81 pp. Borges, con el escritor Roberto Alifano. Tapas algo deslucidas. Interior en excelente estado. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Tanhäuser in Rom. Mit einem Anhang: Das Volkslied von dem Tanhäuser.
by GRISEBACH, Eduard R. von
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Einbd. min. berieben.
- Edition
- 4. Auflage
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.38£16.15 shipping to USA
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Lpz., Thiel, 1880.. 4. Auflage . Hardcover. Einbd. min. berieben.. Kl. 8º. 136 Ss. OLn
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Tantra Asana. Une voie de la réalisation du Soi
by Ajit Mookerjee
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- first
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£38.44£16.15 shipping to USA
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Ravi Kumar, Le Soleil Noir, 1971. Hardcover. Very Good/Good. Basel, Ravi Kumar, Le Soleil Noir, 1971. First Printing. 27 x 32 cm (4to), 161 pp. Hardcover, with cardboard slipcase. Dust jacket good with its plastic surface just beginning to loosen. Pages clean and bright. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Tara de Departe 1
by Maria Gazdaru
- Used
- Very Good
- Paperback
- first
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Paperback
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.38£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Cuget Romanesc, 1956. 1st Edition . Soft cover. Very Good. GAZDARU, Maria. Tara de Departe 1. Buenos Aires, Editura Cuget Romanesc, 1956. 17,5 x 23 cm, 246 pp. Three fold-out maps. Small missing section on spine, 4 cm crack along the front joint. Back lightly soiled. Text in Romanian. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Taschenbuch für das Jahr 1836. Hrsg. v. Theodor Hell.
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Ss. etw. stockfl., Rück. etw.
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£26.91£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Lpz., Hinrichs, o.J.. Hardcover. Ss. etw. stockfl., Rück. etw.. 12º. XVI/392 Ss. mit 7 Stahl- u. Kupferstichen. HLdr. d. Zt.
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Taschenbuch für das farbige Ornament zum Schul-und Privatgebrauch, zu künsterischen und kunstgewerblichen Arbeiten. I. Sammlung
by J. Hauselmann & R. Ringger
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- first
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£46.13£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Orell Füssli, 1881. 1st Edition . Hardcover. Very Good/No Jacket. Zürich, Druck & Verlag von Orell Füssli & Co. 1881. 17,5 x 11,5 cm, 51 color plates. Covers worn, with some spots, theres a bookshop label on the bottom edge. Board corners frayed and bumped. Inside is age toned, but the illustrations are in very good condition, despite the shadows next to most of them. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Taschenbuch für Bücherfreunde 1925
by Schramm, Albert Prof. Dr. (Hg.):
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Vors. U. wenige Ss. stockfl.,g
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.38£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Mchn., Vlg. Der Münchner Drucke,1924. Hardcover. Vors. U. wenige Ss. stockfl.,g. 195/15 Ss. Oln.Mit Kalendarium, Tafelabb. u. einigen Abb. im Text
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Taschenbuch der Naturkunde. Praktisches Nachschlage-Büchlein über naturhistorische Gegenstände und Begriffe für jeden Naturfreund.
by BAUMGARTNER, Prof. Dr. Heinrich
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Vors. kaum fl.,Einbd.m.ger.Gbr
- Edition
- Dritte Auflage
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£13.84£16.15 shipping to USA
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Wien, Hölder, 1890. Dritte Auflage . Hardcover. Vors. kaum fl.,Einbd.m.ger.Gbr. 12º. 212 Ss. OHLn. Odeck. Illustr.
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Taschenbuch für Bauingenieure. Unter Mitwirkung von Fr.Bleich, Th.Böhm, H.Engels, A.Esche, M.Foerster, W.Gehler, E.Genzmer, Th.Koehn, Fr.Kögler, B.Löser, G.Lucas, M.Mayer, A.Schreiber, E.Wentzel
by FOERSTER, Max (Hrsg.)
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Rück.berieben m.Wasserfl., wen
- Edition
- Dritte verb. U. erw. Auflage
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£19.22£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Bln., J.Springer-Vlg., 1920. Dritte verb. U. erw. Auflage . Hardcover. Rück.berieben m.Wasserfl., wen. 2 Bä Ganzen: XV, 2247 Ss., 2 Bl., mit 3070 Textfiguren. Oln.,
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Taschenbuch der pflanzlichen Therapie. 2 Bändein einem. I. Band: Allgemeiner und spezieller Teil.II. Band. Rezepte und Rezepturgrundlagen.
by MEYER, Dr. Med. Ernst
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Einbd. L.fleckig, Ss. papierbe
- Edition
- 2. umgearb. und vermehrte Auflage
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£12.30£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Saulga (Württ.), Haug, 1952. 2. umgearb. und vermehrte Auflage . Hardcover. Einbd. L.fleckig, Ss. papierbe. Kl. 8º. 217/7/252/2 Ss. Oln.
Item Price
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Taschenbuch für das Jahr 1838. Hrsg. v. Theodor Hell
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Odeck. ger. einger., Ss. st. s
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£26.91£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Lpz., Hinrichs, o.J.. Hardcover. Odeck. ger. einger., Ss. st. s. 12º. XVII/381/1 Ss. m. 7 Stahlstichen. HLdr. d. Zt.
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Taten der Musik. Richard Wagner und sein Werk. Eingeleitet von Wieland Wagner.
by Jacob, Walter:
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Ss. kaum gebräunt, gutes Ex.
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.38£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Regensburg, Bosse,1952. Hardcover. Ss. kaum gebräunt, gutes Ex.. VII/448 Ss.Mit Beiheft Widmung des Autors.
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Tausend Gedanken des Collaborators
by Berthold Auerbach
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£7.69£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Berlin: Hofmann, 1875. Hardcover. Very Good/No Jacket. Wear to the boards, corners bumped, pages toned. Ex-libris on the endpaper. Text in German. We speak Spanish, English and French. Hablamos español, ingles y frances. Nous parlons espagnol, anglais et francais.
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Tausend und ein Tag. Orientalische Erzählungen
by Pau Ernst & Felix Paul Greve
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- first
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£23.07£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Insel-Verlag, 1909. 1st Edition . Hardcover. Very Good/No Jacket. Selection and introduction by Paul Ernst, German translation by Felix Paul Greve. Leipzig, Insel-Verlag, 1909/10. 11,5 x 18 cm, 358 + 370 + 370 + 423 pp. Top edge gilt, lost some of its brightness. Spine and cover margins sunned. Foxing on foredges and bottom edges. Inside shows no browning, but it has the odd spot of foxing. Generally very good. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Teatro eroico, e politico de' governi de'vicere del Regno di Napoli dal tempo del Re Ferdinando IL CATTOLICO fino al presente nel quale si narrano i fatti più illustri, e singolari, accduti nella Città, e Regno di Napoli nel corso di due Secoli, Come anche le Fabbriche, Inscrizzioni, E Leggi, overo Prammatiche, promulgate da essi, raccolte da diversi Autori impressi, e manoscritti: adornato da una breve, distinta e curiosa relazione della Città, e Regno di Napoli, con le piante deli' una, e l¡altro, e co'Ritratti de'medesimi Vicerè scolpiti in rame, presi da quelli, ch'adornano una delle Galerie del Palagio Reale.
by PARRINO, Domenico Antonio
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£369.07£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Napoli, Del Parrino, el del Mutii 1692.. Hardcover. Very Good. 12º. 24 nn.Ss. 104 nn.Ss. 423/1 Ss. mit Porträts. Späterer Priv. Pergament. This is the first volume. The words "Tomo Primo" have been erased from the title page. On page 394, before the indice it states "Fine del Secondo Libro" The frontispiece is missing. There are 31 portraits. - There is no frontispiece. - there is no map, no town of Naples - there are 31 portraits - There are 423 pages + 1 with the small etching. - There are also 130 unnumbered pages before the portrait of Fernando Catholico
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The Technique of Isadora Duncan
by Irma Duncan
- Used
- Very Good
- Paperback
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Binding
- Paperback
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£11.53£16.15 shipping to USA
Show Details
Dance Horizons, 1970. Soft cover. Very Good/No Jacket. New York, Dance Horizons, 1970. 13,5 x 20 cm, 35 pp. Former book owner stamp on title page and inside the back cover. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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