Stuttgart Heitz zirka 1841. Hardcover. Kanten mit kaum Gbrsp.,kein ho. Kl.8º. XVI/256/260/236 Ss.;252/292/300 Ss.;274/334/364 Ss;276/303/291Ss.Goldgepr. Grüner Ln.
Search Results: Authors starting with P from The Book Cellar & Henschel
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- Bookseller inventory: The Book Cellar & Henschel (authors starting with p)
- Bookseller: The Book Cellar & Henschel
Results 1 - 20 of 114
Romane. Godwie-Castler. Aus den Papieren der Herzogin von Nottingham.3 Teile; St. Roche:3 Teile;Thomas Thyrnau;3 Teile;Jakob von der Nees 3 Teile: 12 Teile In 4 Bänden
by PAALZOW, Henriette
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Kanten mit kaum Gbrsp.,kein ho
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£61.94£16.26 shipping to USA
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Ensayo sobre criminologia infantil. Contribucion al estudio de un grave problema social
by Manuel Pacheco Ramirez
- Used
- Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.48£16.26 shipping to USA
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Guatemala: Universidad Nacional de Guatemala, 1937. Hardcover. Good/No Jacket. Tesis para obtener los titulos de abogado y notario" Libro encuadernado, medio cuero. Algunos leves puntos en algunas paginas. La ultima pagina (fe de erratas) con un faltante pero no le afecta el texto. Hay dos desplegables, lo grande tiene una rotura horizontal por casi la mitad. Escasa y curiosa obra. Text in Spanish The Book Cellar & Henschel, Buenos Aires
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Crispi: Lettere dall'esilio (1850-1860)
by Crispi - Raccolte e annotate da T Palamenghi-Crispi
- Used
- Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£19.36£16.26 shipping to USA
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Casa Editrice Tiber, 1918. Hardcover. Good. Unica Edizione di 1000 copie. Rebound, quarter leather, very weak hinges, front board still to open, some sporadic foxing. We speak Spanish, English and French. Hablamos español, ingles y frances. Nous parlons espagnol, anglais et francais.
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O eu contido
by Solange Palatnik
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- Signed
- first
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£23.23£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Studio Redinger, 1975. 1st Edition . Hardcover. Very Good/No Jacket. Studio Redinger, 1975. 21,5 x 25,5 cm, unpaginated. Inscribed by Palatnik. Covers worn and bumped. Spine ends frayed. Inside very lightly age toned. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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The Works of William Paley, D.D. Complete in two volumes with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, Containing Extracts from his Correspondence by the Revered Wayland
by William Paley
- Used
- Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£61.94£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Henry Mozley, 1825. Hardcover. Good/No Jacket. Derby, Henry Mozley, 1825. 14 x 21,5 cm, 639 + 623 pp. Ex-libris (bookplate) of Sir Maurice Fitzgerald Bart, 20th Knight of Kerry (its shadows on the following page). Binding by Purcell & Son, in Cork. Both volumes browned inside. First volume boards and spine loose. Small pencil underlinings and marks throughout the volume. Second volume binding very good, though the leather is dried on the joints and half of the title is missing. It only has a few markings. A decent restoration needed to volume 1. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Erklärung der Britischen Regierung über ihre Palästina-Politik. Im Oktober 1930 v. Staatssekretär f. die Kolonien dem Parlament unterbreitet.
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - st.stockfl.
- Edition
- 2. verbes. Ausg.
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£27.87£16.26 shipping to USA
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London, Jewish Agency f. Palästina. Übers. Aus dem Englischen.. 2. verbes. Ausg. . Hardcover. st.stockfl.. Gr. 8º. 24 Ss. OBr.
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Das Marmorbild
by Joseph von Eichendorff; Flora Palvi
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£11.61£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Hyperion Verlag, 1920. Hardcover. Very Good. Illustrated by Flora Palyi. Munich, Hyperion Verlag, 1920. 12 x 15,5 cm, 96 pp. Slipcase in good condition, but sunned. Whole cloth covers have brown stains. A handful of foxing spots on foredges. Pages age toned. Includes the publishing house bookmark. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Prose di Enrico Panzacchi
by Panzacchi, Enrico
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£7.74£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Nicola Zanichelli. Hardcover. Very Good. Very good condition, bumped at the top and bottom of the spine, very slight foxing on the first few pages We speak Spanish, English and French. Hablamos español, ingles y frances. Nous parlons espagnol, anglais et francais.
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Ein fertiger Mensch.
by PAPINI, Giovanni
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Einbd ger.berieben,Schntt u. w
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£10.06£16.26 shipping to USA
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Mchn, Allgemeine Verlagsanstalt, o.J.. Hardcover. Einbd ger.berieben,Schntt u. w. 295 Ss. OLn.
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Manual de uniformes para oficiales y auxiliares de armas y servicios del Ejército Paraguayo
by Comando en Jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas de Paraguay
- Used
- Good
- Paperback
- first
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Paperback
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£38.71£16.26 shipping to USA
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Comando en Jefe de las FF.AA. de la Nación, 1971. 1st Edition . Soft cover. Good/No Jacket. Asunción, Comando en Jefe de las FF.AA. de la Nación, 1971. 14,5 x 19,5 cm, 110 pp, 51 de ellas con ilustraciones. Tapas desgastadas, pequeña rasgadura en la contratapa. Etiqueta con precio original en la tapa. Interior en muy buen estado.
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Machu picchu (an Architectonic Jewel of the Incas) [Machupijchu]
by Luis A. Pardo
- Used
- Good
- Paperback
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Binding
- Paperback
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£11.61£16.26 shipping to USA
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Editorial H.G. Rozas, Tourists Editions, 1960. Soft cover. Good/No Jacket. English translation by Edgar Rozas. Cuzco, Editorial H.G. Rozas, Tourists Editions, c.1960. 16 x 20,5 cm, 91 pp. A few small tears and a missing bit on the corner of the back. Inside browned, two pages, one with pictures and another with text, have creases and a small tear. Overall Good. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Die früheisenzeitliche Keramik der schwäbischen Alb
by PARET, Oscar
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Ss. st. stockfl., Rück. m. Ein
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£11.61£16.26 shipping to USA
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Sonderdruck aus Ipek,Jahrbuch f. prähistorische u. Ethnograph. Kunst, 1930.. Hardcover. Ss. st. stockfl., Rück. m. Ein. 4º. 7 Ss. m. 7 Tafeln. Okrt.
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Poesie di Giuseppe Parini
by Parini, Giuseppe
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£9.29£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Dottor Francesco Vallardi, 1912. Hardcover. Very Good. Very good condition, slight grazing along the spine due to rubbing More photos and information upon request. Shipped from Argentina. We reply to any question speedily. Consultar por mas fotos y informacion. We speak Spanish, English and French. Hablamos español, ingles y frances. Nous parlons espagnol, anglais et francais.
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Versos de salón
by Nicanor Parra
- Used
- Good
- Paperback
- first
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Paperback
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£154.84£16.26 shipping to USA
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Editorial Nascimento, 1971. 1st Edition . Soft cover. Good/No Jacket. Santiago de Chile, Editorial Nascimento, 1971. 18,5 x 17,5 cm, páginas sin numerar. Encuadernación en rústica. Algunas pequeñas manchas en la tapa y roturas en sus márgenes. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Teatro eroico, e politico de' governi de'vicere del Regno di Napoli dal tempo del Re Ferdinando IL CATTOLICO fino al presente nel quale si narrano i fatti più illustri, e singolari, accduti nella Città, e Regno di Napoli nel corso di due Secoli, Come anche le Fabbriche, Inscrizzioni, E Leggi, overo Prammatiche, promulgate da essi, raccolte da diversi Autori impressi, e manoscritti: adornato da una breve, distinta e curiosa relazione della Città, e Regno di Napoli, con le piante deli' una, e l¡altro, e co'Ritratti de'medesimi Vicerè scolpiti in rame, presi da quelli, ch'adornano una delle Galerie del Palagio Reale.
by PARRINO, Domenico Antonio
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£371.62£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Napoli, Del Parrino, el del Mutii 1692.. Hardcover. Very Good. 12º. 24 nn.Ss. 104 nn.Ss. 423/1 Ss. mit Porträts. Späterer Priv. Pergament. This is the first volume. The words "Tomo Primo" have been erased from the title page. On page 394, before the indice it states "Fine del Secondo Libro" The frontispiece is missing. There are 31 portraits. - There is no frontispiece. - there is no map, no town of Naples - there are 31 portraits - There are 423 pages + 1 with the small etching. - There are also 130 unnumbered pages before the portrait of Fernando Catholico
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Der Agent provocateur, Eine strafrechtliche Studie
by Dr. Paul Heilborn
- Used
- fair
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Fair
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£7.74£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Berlin: Springer, 1901. Hardcover. Fair/No Jacket. Corners bumped, chips edges of the boards. Previous owner's stamp on the flyleaf and title page. Ink annotations inside the front cover. The odd pencil mark in the text. Pages age-toned.
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Herbst-Blumine. Von den sämmtlichen Werke Band XLVI/XLVII und XLVIII. Zehnte Lieferung.
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Ein gestempeltes ExLibris auf
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£29.42£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Berlin, Reimer, 1827. Hardcover. Ein gestempeltes ExLibris auf. X/176;X/198;VI/266 Ss. Opp.
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Canto para la muerte fiel. Elegía para una despedida
by Domingo Renaudiere de Paulis
- Used
- Near Fine
- Hardcover
- Signed
- first
- Condition
- Used - Near Fine
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£69.68£16.26 shipping to USA
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Francisco A. Colombo, 1971. 1st Edition . Hardcover. Near Fine/No Jacket. Buenos Aires, Francisco A. Colombo, 1971. N° XII de 15 ejemplares en papel Ingres Fabriano coloreados a mano por J.A. Ballester Peña y firmados por el autor, ilustrador e impresor. 15 x 20,5 cm, 18 pp. Encuadernación en medio cuero, con guardas de papel marmolado. Sello en la página titular. Dedicatoria en la última hoja. La ilustración coloreada a mano fue conservada con papel calcar, por lo que se mantiene en muy buen estado.
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Sämmtliche Werke. XVIII, XIX, XX.Vierte Lieferung. Hier Nur dritter, vierter und fünfter Band. Palingenesien zwei Bändchen. Der Jubelsenior
by JEAN PAUL (Jean Paul's)
- Used
- Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£13.94£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Berlin, Reimer, 1826. Hardcover. Good. XXXVIII/112/145/202 Ss. Goldgepr. Rücken mit Titelschilder. OPp.
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Contiendas chino-japonesas. Historia de las operaciones militares en Manchuria y Shanghai en 1931 y 1932, y del movimiento niponófobo chino.
by Motosada Zumoto; José Muñoz Peñalver
- Used
- Good
- Hardcover
- first
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£23.23£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Herald Press, 1932. 1st Edition . Hardcover. Good/No Jacket. Tokio, Herald Press, 1932. 13 x 19 cm, 330 + iv pp + 7 mapas desplegables y otros dentro del texto. Rotura de unos 3 cm en uno de los mapas ( mapa de las operaciones militares en cercanías de Shanghai ) y otro de 1 cm en otro mapa ( últimas posiciones de las tropas del General Ma, al sur de Tsitshar ). Mancha en la tapa, roturas en el lomo. Rajadura del lado interno en la bisagra de la tapa. Lo demás en buen estado. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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