Mondadori, i Meridiani, 1986. 1st Edition . Hardcover. Very Good/Good. Edited by Masolino dAmico. Milan, Mondadori, i Meridiani, 1986. 1st edition. 8vo, 1882 pp. Printed card slipcase. Book owner stamp. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
Search Results: Authors starting with M from The Book Cellar & Henschel
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- Bookseller inventory: The Book Cellar & Henschel (authors starting with m)
- Bookseller: The Book Cellar & Henschel
Results 1 - 20 of 171
by E.M. Forster
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- first
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£11.61£16.26 shipping to USA
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Stock Photo: Cover May Be Different
Textbook on Spherical Astronomy
by W.M. Smart
- Used
- Very Good
- Paperback
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- 5th or later Edition
- Binding
- Paperback
- ISBN 10 / ISBN 13
- 9780521291804 / 0521291801
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.48£16.26 shipping to USA
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Cambridge University Press, 1977. 5th or later Edition . Soft cover. Very Good. SMART, W. M. Textbook on Spherical Astronomy. Cambridge University Press, 1979. Sixth edition revised by R. M. Green. 13,5 x 21,5 cm, 431 pp. Cover edges worn, spine sunned. Inside clean. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Zwischen Tag und Traum. Ein Lesebuch.
by MAASS, Joachim
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Rücken sehr verblichen, Einban
- Edition
- Erstausgabe nicht WG
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£9.29£16.26 shipping to USA
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Wien, München, Basel, Desch, 1961. Erstausgabe nicht WG . Hardcover. Rücken sehr verblichen, Einban. 371 Ss. Oln.
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Petit Manuel du Parfait Aventurier
by Pierre Mac Orlan
- Used
- Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.48£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Paris: Editions de la Sirene, 1920. Hardcover. Good/No Jacket. Rebound, conserves the original covers but not the spine. These are darkened and fragile and have been restored. The top and fore-edge have some dark spots that have begun to creep into the pages. The rest is clean. Text in French.
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Kleine Poesie Miniaturen Aphorismen Gedichte
by Hubert Mackedanz
- Used
- Fine
- Paperback
- Condition
- Used - Fine
- Binding
- Paperback
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£7.74£16.26 shipping to USA
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Klagenfurt: Alekto, 1988. Soft cover. Fine/No Jacket. Impeccable condition. Text in German. We speak Spanish, English and French. Hablamos español, ingles y frances. Nous parlons espagnol, anglais et francais.
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Wind und Woge. Keltische Sagen
by MACLEOD, Fiona
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Rücken verblichen,Einband unsa
- Edition
- drittes und viertes Tausend.
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£10.06£16.26 shipping to USA
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Jena, Eugen Diederichs, 1922. drittes und viertes Tausend. . Hardcover. Rücken verblichen,Einband unsa. 154/1 Ss. OHLn.
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le chant de la terre. Madrid, Arco'85
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Einbd.kaum Gbrsp.,gutes Exempl
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£10.06£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Galerie Philippe Guimiot;Paris, Grand Palais FIAC 84.. Hardcover. Einbd.kaum Gbrsp.,gutes Exempl. 64 Ss. Mit ganzseitigen Illustrationen, mehrere davon farbig.Obr.
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Los primeros patriotas orientales de 1811. Expontaneidad de la insurrección Oriental contra la España en la Guerra de la Independencia Americana
by Justo Maeso
- Used
- Good
- Paperback
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Binding
- Paperback
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.48£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Imprenta a vapor y Encuadernación de El Laurak-Bat, 1888. Soft cover. Good. Montevideo, Imprenta a vapor y Encuadernación de El Laurak-Bat, 1888. 16 x 22,5 cm, 248 pp. Ex biblioteca, está numerado en el lomo, tiene una etiqueta en el dorso de la tapa y un sello en la hoja titular. Reencuadernación en medio cuero sin las tapas originales. Cuero muy desgastado en las puntas del lomo y bisagras. Hojas amarronadas. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Serres chaudes. Suivi de quinze chansons
by Maurice Maeterlinck
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- 5th or later Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£19.36£16.26 shipping to USA
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Éditions dArt Edouard Pelletan, 1927. 5th or later Edition . Hardcover. Very Good/No Jacket. Paris, Éditions dArt Edouard Pelletan, 1927. 10 x 15 cm, 112 pp. N° 309 of 725, printed on teinté Navarre. Rebound, leather, conserves original cover; dry and ever so slightly cracked along the joints. Gilt title. Interior very good, some speckles. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Artesanía indígena argentina. I. Chiriguano-chane
by Guillermo Magrassi
- Used
- Very Good
- Paperback
- first
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Paperback
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£7.74£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Centro de artesanía aborigen Yuchán, 1981. 1st Edition . Soft cover. Very Good. Buenos Aires, Centro de artesanía aborigen Yuchán, 1981. 12,5 x 17,5 cm, 61 pp. Tapas mínimamente desgastadas, interior en muy buen estado. Con etiqueta de librería y una marca de birome en la hoja de respeto.
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I Escaped from Germany
by Peter Makucewicz
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- first
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£7.74£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Max Love Publishing Company, 1944. 1st Edition . Hardcover. Very Good/No Jacket. London, Max Love Publishing Company, 1944. 1st edition. 14,5 x 22 cm, 125 pp. Whole red cloth binding. Corners bumped, some speckles on the fore-edge, the rest very good, pages clean and bright. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Die Kunst im Dienste der Staats-Idee (Staatsidee). Hohenzollerische Kunstpolitik vom grossen Kurfürsten bis auf Wilhelm II.
by Malkowsky, Georg
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - kaum berieben,3 Ss.m.min.fl.,s
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£21.68£16.26 shipping to USA
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Berlin: Patria Verlag 1912.. Hardcover. kaum berieben,3 Ss.m.min.fl.,s. 4º.243 Ss. mit 96 Illustrationen.Oln.
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La sala de espera
by Eduardo Mallea
- Used
- Very Good
- Paperback
- first
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Paperback
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£11.61£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Editorial Sudamericana, 1953. 1st Edition . Soft cover. Very Good/No Jacket. Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 1953. 1ra edición. Algunos desgastes en los extremos de las tapas, lomo con plieges. Interior en muy buen estado, algunas pocas manchas de óxido. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Volkstheater in frankfurter Mundart
by MALSS, Carl
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Einbd. Berieben, Vors. Etw.,we
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£23.23£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Ffm., Sauerländer, 1850. Hardcover. Einbd. Berieben, Vors. Etw.,we. 8 Stücke in 1 Band.1. Der alte Bürger - Capitain oder die Entführung. Lustspiel in zwei Aufzügen. 2. Herr Hampelmann im Eilwagen.Hampelmanniade in 6 Bildern. 3. Die Landparthie nach Königstein. Frankfurter Lokal - Skizze in vier Bildern. 4. Herr Hampelmann sucht ein Logis. Lokal-Lustspiel in 5 Bildern.Die Bauern. 5.Die Bauern. Genrebild in einem Akt. Im Wetterauer Mundart 6.Borzenelle - Comödie. 7. Das Stelldichein im Tivoli oder Schuster und Schneider als Nebenbuhler. Lokalposse mit Gesang in 2 Akten. 8. Prinz Ferdinand von Rolpotongaoder der durch Liebe, _Eifersucht und Jalousie gar grässlich ums Lebens gekommen seiende Prinz. Anhang: Literarischer Nachlaß XI/1/94/64/48/68/32/16/56/75/84 Ss.
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Eine Abhandlung über das Bevölkerungsgesetz, oder eine Untersuchung seiner Bedeutung für die menschliche Wohlfahrt in Vergangenheit und Zukunft, nebst einer Prüfung unserer Aussichten auf eine künftige Beseitigung oder Linderung der Übel, die es verursacht. Dt.v. Valentine Dorn nach d. 6. engl. Aufl Sammlung. sozialwissenschaftlicher Meister, Bd.VI-VII. Eingeleitet von Prof. Dr.Heinrich Waentig
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Einbd. berieben .Bei 2.Bd. Rüc
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£19.36£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Jena, Fischer, 1905.. Hardcover. Einbd. berieben .Bei 2.Bd. Rüc. 2 Bde. IX, 485; IV, 470 Ss.OHLwd. - Two volumes, some wear to the exterior, nothing important. Brown smudge on volume 1's endpaper, the ret of the pages clean and bright.
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Vermischte Schriten. Klassische Bibliothek des In-und Auslandes. Dritter Band. Neue Ausgabe in einem Bande und mit einer Einleitung von C.A. Schloenbach
by MALTITZ, G.A. Freiherrn/MALTIZ
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Kein holzfr.Papier,dadurch etw
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£23.23£16.26 shipping to USA
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Hamburg & Leipzig, Schuberth & Comp.,o.A.. Hardcover. Kein holzfr.Papier,dadurch etw. Kl. 8º. 168 Ss.Goldgepr. Priv. Ln.
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Ossana in Excelsis! Erzählung aus der Revolutionszeit.
by MALTZAHN, E. von
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Wenige Ss. kaum stockfl.
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.48£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Schwerin i. Meckl, Fr. Bahn, 1903. Hardcover. Wenige Ss. kaum stockfl.. 338/5 Ss. OLn.
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Aus der Frankfurter Theaterchronik (1889-1907) in zwei Bänden
by Fedor Mamroth
- Used
- Very Good
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£15.48£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Berlin: Egon Fleischel, 1908. Hardcover. Very Good/No Jacket. 346/378 pp. Very little to note, spines a little sunned and frayed at their heads. Pages are clean, just a touch yellowed, some very faint spots on the endpapers. Discrete bookseller stickers on the paste-downs. Very good indeed. Text in German. The Book Cellar & Henschel, Buenos Aires
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Penelope. Sette versioni
by Sabrina Mandanici
- Used
- Near Fine
- Hardcover
- first
- Condition
- Used - Near Fine
- Edition
- 1st Edition
- Binding
- Hardcover
- ISBN 10 / ISBN 13
- 9788895495217 / 8895495217
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£7.74£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Sinopia Libri, I quaderni di Sinopia, 2009. 1st Edition . Hardcover. Near Fine/No Jacket. Drawings by Pablo Gonzalvez. Venice, Sinopia Libri, I quaderni di Sinopia, 2009. N°87 87 of 200. 12,5 x 17,5 cm, 22 pp. Near fine, corner lightly bumped. The Book Cellar & Henschel.
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Das Heim von heute. Ein dem neuesten Stande der Wohn- und Lebenskultur entsprechendes Handbuch. Ein Führer durch Heim, Haushalt, zeitgemässes Ernährungswesen, Technik, Kinderpflege, Handarbeit, Körperkultur, Handwerk im Hause, nebst 3000 praktischen Winken für alle Fragen des täglichen Lebens.
by MANDL, Maria Mathilde (herausgegeben von)
- Used
- Hardcover
- Condition
- Used - Kap. Min.beschäd.,Auf Odeck.:
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Item Price
£21.68£16.26 shipping to USA
Show Details
Leipzig, Wien, Schneider u. Co., 1928. Hardcover. Kap. Min.beschäd.,Auf Odeck.:. 8º mayor. XII/696 Ss. mit 684 Illustrationen, 40 ganzseitigen schwarzen Tafeln und 16 farbigen Kunstdruckbildern. Goldgepr. Illustr. Oln.
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