Bookstores specializing in Local Authors
Looking for local authors books? We host 7000 of the finest online book stores and booksellers, including specialists in local authors. Use the list below to locate a specific specialist bookseller or book store near you. Or, use the form below to search the inventory of all booksellers who specialize in local authors
Black Sheep Books
Black Sheep Books also has a brick-and-mortar store! Visit them in:
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada
We are an independent, locally-owned shop dedicated to books and the people who love them. Here you will find two floors packed with volumes of enduring value, including familiar favourites, contemporary fiction, guides, books of local interest, and non-fiction titles covering everything from outer space to inner peace. We also have marine charts, art cards, unique prints, hand-crafted bags, and many other intriguing items. Located at Grace Point Square in the Village of Ganges, close to marinas and Salt Spring\'s renowned Saturday Market, we are open every day except Christmas and New Year\'s. If you want to pick-up a book you saw online, please call or e-mail ahead as many of our listings are kept in a separate storage facility.
Blacksburg Books
Blacksburg Books also has a brick-and-mortar store! Visit them in:
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Blacksburg Books is an independent bookstore—the only independent bookstore—in Blacksburg. You can find us downtown on Main Street, offering new and used books, locally-made drinks, snacks and crafts, and a community space to meet with friends. We frequently host talks given by local authors, covering a range of genres. Additionally, our customers are encouraged to contribute to our community poetry project each week.
Head over to our full website to subscribe to our newsletter or contact us!
Calamity Books
Calamity Books also has a brick-and-mortar store! Visit them in:
Sheridan, Wyoming, United States
Calamity Books is a comprehensive, inclusive and diverse bookstore selling new and used books. We are a woman-owned store that specializes in providing excellent finds in all of the genres, as well as local rare and first editions, and local authors. Calamity Books is an inclusive and safe space.
etcetera Salt Spring Book & Stationery
SALT SPRING ISLAND, British Columbia, Canada
In our 45th year, originally a storefront, now home-based.