Bookstores specializing in Historical Novels

Looking for historical novels books? We host 7000 of the finest online book stores and booksellers, including specialists in historical novels. Use the list below to locate a specific specialist bookseller or book store near you. Or, use the form below to search the inventory of all booksellers who specialize in historical novels

Black Dog Mystery Firsts

Ellensburg, Washington, United States

We buy and sell primarily used first edition mystery and suspense novels. Book searches gladly.


STREETSVILLE, Ontario, Canada

Kalamos Books specializes in Books about Greece (Ancient,Byzantine and particularly Modern Greece) and also books about the Balkans & Ottoman Turkey. As well there is a wide selection of Fiction including stories set in Greece, or by Greek authors, as well as historical novels. We can special order books from Greece and handle library purchase orders for books in Greek. In addition we have interesting travel books about other countries, and have some Canadiana and popular fiction.Ask about antique maps and prints and vintage postcards of Greece.


Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

We are internet-based booksellers, so our stock is not set-up for browsing. However, visitors are welcome if an appointment is made first. We specialise in fiction.

The Cat's Tale Used Books

The Cat's Tale Used Books also has a brick-and-mortar store! Visit them in:

Princeton, Kentucky, United States

We sell common, everyday books, including paperbacks, hardcovers, and some select book club and ex-library editions, as well as collectible First Editions. We carry a wide range of authors, subjects and genres, concentrating mostly in mysteries, historical fiction and romance, general fiction, and American and British history. As a member of the Independent Online Booksellers Association (IOBA), we support and endeavor to comply with the Book Buyers Bill of Rights.

The Old Bookshelf

The Old Bookshelf also has a brick-and-mortar store! Visit them in:

Campbeltown, Argyll and Bute, United Kingdom

Welcome to the home of The Old Bookshelf, situated in Campbeltown on the West Coast of Scotland. Our wee bookshop holds over 15,000 New, Antiquarian, Out of Print and Used titles available for immediate despatch. We maintain a wide general stock, specialising in local, Scottish, maritime and military. Out of print and new titles are catalogued every day.Scottish Independent Retail Awards Regional Finalist: 2011 and 2015. Winner 2016

William L. Horsnell

Aylesford, Nova Scotia, Canada

No direct credit card orders, please. Credit card orders only through We accept PayPal. Personal cheques,money orders, International (outside Canada) Money Orders or Western Union made payable to WilliamL. Horsnell. All prices, including shipping, are in U.S. dollars. Shipping for North American orders is $6.00 for hardcovers and some trade paperbacks; $5.00 for paperbacks; on overseas orders, add $2.00. Certain heavier books will require extra postage. Air Mail, Expedited Post and Courier Service are also viable options, cost to be negotiated.


Lenore, Idaho, United States

We are a unique book store. Located in Victor, Montana. We buy, sell and trade books. We have all kinds of books. We believe in good customer service so if you need anything please feel free to contact us at