Snowball Bookshop
Barberton, Ohio, USA
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About Snowball Bookshop
A charming used bookstore in a renovated building in beautiful Downtown Barberton, OH. A general bookstore with over 1000,000 volumes of very nice condition hardcover and paperback books in all categories. Store hours are Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-4.
Biblio Member Since
Snowball Bookshop
564 W. Tuscarawas Avenue
Barberton, OH 44203 USA
Phone: (330) 745-9292
Terms of sale for Snowball Bookshop
Mastercard, Visa, Discover, Novus, check or money order; Media mail $3.50 and priority $5.00. Oversize and heavy books quoted separately. Overseas shipments and heavier books quoted separately. All dustjackets covered with Demco clear mylar covers. Books returnable within 30 days in same condition with prior approval of bookshop owner.
Payment Methods Accepted
Browse Snowball Bookshop by Category
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