Archaeology from Aucott & Thomas
New Arrivals
Beloved and God The story of Hadrian and Antinous
by Lambert, Royston
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- First Paperback Edition
- Published
- 1997
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9781857999440
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Phoenix. Very Good. 1997. First Paperback Edition. Softcover. 1857999444 . Clean and tightly bound paperback, spine uncreased, no inscriptions, appears little used. xxx + 298 pages, map, photos on plates, appendices, notes, bibliography, index . Item Price
Stock Photo: Cover May Be Different
Prehistoric Britain from the air A study of space, time and society
by Darvill, Timothy
- Condition
- Used - Very Good in Very Good dust jacket
- Edition
- First Edition
- Published
- 1996
- Binding
- Hardcover
- 9780521551328
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Cambridge University Press. Very Good in Very Good dust jacket. 1996. First Edition. Hardcover. 0521551323 . Very clean & tightly bound, large format hardback book with no inscriptions, in a bright unclipped dustjacket. Appears little used. xxii + 284 pages, photos in the text, notes, bibliography, index. A Cambridge Air Survey. Heavy book so additional postage may… Read more about this item Item Price
Archaeology, ritual, religion
by Insoll, Timothy
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- First Paperback Edition
- Published
- 2004
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9780415253130
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Routledge. Good. 2004. First Paperback Edition. Softcover. 0415253136 . Clean and tightly bound paperback, spine creased, name and date on half title page, some underlining in text. xvi + 184 pages, photos in the text, bibliography, index . Item Price
The Danebury Environs Programme The Prehistory of a Wessex Landscape Volume 2 parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7
by Cunliffe, Barry & Poole, Cynthia et al
- Condition
- Used - Good with No dust jacket as issued
- Edition
- First Edition
- Published
- 2000
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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English Heritage & Oxford University Committee for Archaeology. Good with No dust jacket as issued. 2000. First Edition. Hardcover. 7 clean larger format hardbacks tightly bound in pictorial boards, name and date on front endpapers. Part 1: Woolbury and Stockbridge Down 1989, 84 pages, photos, illustrations & maps in the text, appendix, bibliography, fiche. Part 2: Bury… Read more about this item Item Price
A46 Nottinghamshire The archaeology of the Newark to Widmerpool improvement scheme, 2009
by Cooke, Nicholas & Mudd, Andrew et al
- Condition
- Used - Very Good with No dust jacket as issued
- Edition
- First Edition
- Published
- 2014
- Binding
- Hardcover
- 9780955353468
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Wessex Archaeology. Very Good with No dust jacket as issued. 2014. First Edition. Hardcover. 0955353467 . Clean larger format hardback tightly bound in glossy pictorial boards, no inscriptions. xxii + 502 pages, photos, maps and plans in the text, bibliography, index. Heavy book so additional postage may be requested . Item Price
Grauballe Man An Iron Age Bog Body revisited
by Asingh, Pauline & Lynnerup, Niels (eds)
- Condition
- Used - Good with No dust jacket as issued
- Edition
- First Edition
- Published
- 2007
- Binding
- Hardcover
- 9788788415292
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Denmark: Jutland Archaeological Society. Good with No dust jacket as issued. 2007. First Edition. Hardcover. 8788415295 . Clean larger format hardback tightly bound in pictorial boards, name and date on title page. 352 pages, photos and charts in the text, notes, bibliography. Heavy book so additional postage may be requested . Item Price
Body and image Explorations in landscape phenomenology 2
by Tilley, Christopher
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- First Paperback Edition
- Published
- 2008
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9781598743142
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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U. S. A.: Left Coast Press, Inc.. Good. 2008. First Paperback Edition. Softcover. 1598743147 . Clean and tightly bound paperback, card covers rubbed at edges, spine creased, name and date on title page, small amount of underlining in the text. 288 pages, photos in the text, bibliography, index . Item Price
The emergence of the English
by Oosthuizen, Susan
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- First Paperback Edition
- Published
- 2019
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9781641891271
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Arc Humanities Press. Good. 2019. First Paperback Edition. Softcover. 1641891270 . Clean, small format, tightly bound paperback, spine uncreased, name and date on half title page. 140 pages, notes, index . Item Price
Of rocks and water Towards an archaeology of place
by Harmansah, Ömür (ed)
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- First Paperback Edition
- Published
- 2014
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9781782976714
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Oxbow Books. Good. 2014. First Paperback Edition. Softcover. 178297671X . Clean and tightly bound paperback, spine uncreased, name and date on half title page, underlining in the text. xii + 258 pages, photos in the text, bibliography, index . Item Price
Medieval Devon and Cornwall Shaping an ancient countryside
by Turner, Sam
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- Reprint
- Published
- 2006
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9781905119073
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Windgather Press. Good. 2006. Reprint. Softcover. 1905119070 . Clean and tightly bound paperback, card covers rubbed at edges, spine uncreased, a small amount of underlining in the text. xvi + 176 pages, photos and illustrations in the text, bibliography, index. In the Landscapes of Britain series . Item Price
The significance of monuments On the shaping of human experience in Neolithic and Bronze Age Europe
by Bradley, Richard
- Condition
- Used - Fair
- Edition
- Reprint
- Published
- 2007
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9780415152044
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Routledge. Fair. 2007. Reprint. Softcover. 0415152046 . Clean and tightly bound paperback, card covers rubbed at edges, spine creased, name and date on half title page, comment on rear endpaper, underlining in the text. xii + 180 pages, illustrations in the text, bibliography, index . Item Price
The archaeology of identities A reader
by Insoll, Timothy (ed)
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- First Paperback Edition
- Published
- 2007
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9780415415026
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Routledge. Good. 2007. First Paperback Edition. Softcover. 0415415020 . Clean and tightly bound paperback, card covers rubbed at edges, spine creased, name and date on half title page, some underlining in the text. xiv + 336 pages, illustrations in the text, bibliography, index . Item Price
The perception of the environment Essays on livelihood, dwelling and skill
by Ingold, Tim
- Condition
- Used - Fair
- Edition
- Reprint
- Published
- 2005
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9780415228329
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Routledge. Fair. 2005. Reprint. Softcover. 0415228328 . Clean and tightly bound paperback, card covers rubbed at edges, spine creased, underlining in the text. xiv + 466 pages, illustrations in the text, notes, bibliography, index . Item Price
Developing landscapes of Lowland Britain. The archaeology of the British gravels - a review
by Fulford, M. G. & Nichols, Elizabeth (eds)
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- First Edition
- Published
- 1992
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9780854312597
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Society of Antiquaries of London. Good. 1992. First Edition. Softcover. 0854312595 . Clean and tightly bound paperback, name and date on half title page, spine uncreased. xiv + 146 pages, photos, maps and plans in the text, bibliography, index. Vol 14 of occasional papers from the Society of Antiquaries . Item Price
Geographical information systems in archaeology
by Conolly, James and Lake, Mark
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- First Paperback Edition
- Published
- 2006
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9780521797443
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Cambridge University Press. Good. 2006. First Paperback Edition. Softcover. 0521797446 . Clean and tightly bound paperback, name and date on half title page, spine uncreased. xx + 338 pages, illustrations in the text, glossary, bibliography, index. A Cambridge Manual In Archaeology . Item Price
The mysterious bog people
by Bergen, C.; Niekus,M. J. L. Th. and van Vilsteren, V.T. (eds)
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- Second Edition
- Published
- 2005
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9789040096631
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Zwolle: Waanders Publishers. Good. 2005. Second Edition. Softcover. 9040096635 . Clean and tightly bound paperback, name and date inside front cover, spine creased. 132 pages, photos and illustrations in the text, bibliography . Item Price
Monument, memory, and myth: use and re-use of three Bronze Age round barrows at Cossington, Leicestershire
by Thomas, John
- Condition
- Used - Good
- Edition
- First Edition
- Published
- 2008
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9780953891481
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Leicester: University of Leicester School of Archaeology and Ancient History. Good. 2008. First Edition. Softcover. 0953891488 . Clean and tightly bound A4 format paperback original, name and date on half title page, spine uncreased, appears little used. xvi + 144 pages, 91 illustrations in the text & 19 on colour plates, bibliography, index. Leicester Archaeology Monograph 14… Read more about this item Item Price
Ancient warfare archaeological perspectives
by Carman, John & Harding, Anthony (eds)
- Condition
- Used - Good in Fair dust jacket
- Edition
- First Edition
- Published
- 1999
- Binding
- Hardcover
- 9780750917957
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Stroud: Sutton Publishing Ltd. Good in Fair dust jacket. 1999. First Edition. Hardcover. 0750917954 . Clean & tightly bound hardback book with a name and date on the front endpaper and highlighting in the text in a bright unclipped dustjacket which is chipped and creased at the edges with a repaired tear at top of front cover/spine.… Read more about this item Item Price
Non-destructive techniques applied to landscape archaeology
by Pasquinucci, Marinalle & Trement, Frederic (eds)
- Condition
- Used - Good with No dust jacket as issued
- Edition
- First Edition
- Published
- 1999
- Binding
- Hardcover
- 9781900188746
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Oxbow Books. Good with No dust jacket as issued. 1999. First Edition. Hardcover. 1900188740 . Clean larger format hardback tightly bound in glossy pictorial boards, name and date on front endpaper. xx + 276 pages, photos, maps and plans in the text, bibliography. Some contributions in French. No. 4 in the Archaeology of Mediterranean Landscapes series. Heavy… Read more about this item Item Price
Wasperton A Roman, British and Anglo-Saxon community in Central England
by Carver, Martin; Hills, Catherine & Scheschkewitz, Jonathan
- Condition
- Used - Very Good in Very Good dust jacket
- Edition
- First Edition
- Published
- 2009
- Binding
- Hardcover
- 9781843834274
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Ibstock, Leicestershire, GBR
- Item Price
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Woodbridge: Boydell Press. Very Good in Very Good dust jacket. 2009. First Edition. Hardcover. 1843834278 . Very clean & tightly bound hardback book with no inscriptions, in a bright unclipped dustjacket. Appears little used. 372 pages, photos and illustrations in the text, appendix, bibliography, index. In the Anglo-Saxon Studies series. Heavy book so additional postage may be… Read more about this item Item Price