The Quantum Rose Mass market paperback - 2002
by Asaro, Catherine
- Used
- Good
- Paperback
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- Title The Quantum Rose
- Author Asaro, Catherine
- Binding Mass Market Paperback
- Edition 1st
- Condition Used - Good
- Pages 419
- Volumes 1
- Language ENG
- Publisher Tor Books, New York
- Date 2002
- Bookseller's Inventory # G0812568834I3N00
- ISBN 9780812568837 / 0812568834
- Weight 0.45 lbs (0.20 kg)
- Dimensions 6.74 x 4.2 x 1.14 in (17.12 x 10.67 x 2.90 cm)
- Library of Congress subjects Science fiction, Life on other planets
- Library of Congress Catalog Number 00043027
- Dewey Decimal Code FIC
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First line
Kamoj Quanta Argali, the governor of Argali Province, shot through the water and broke the surface of the river.