Life Is Funny Paperback - 2002
by E. R. Frank
- Used
- very good
- Paperback
From the outside they're just a group of urban teenagers. But from the inside, they're some of the most complex people readers will ever meet.
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- Title Life Is Funny
- Author E. R. Frank
- Binding Paperback
- Edition Reprint
- Condition Used - Very Good
- Pages 272
- Volumes 1
- Language ENG
- Publisher Penguin Young Readers Group, New York, New York, U.S.A.
- Date 2002
- Bookseller's Inventory # G0142300837I4N00
- ISBN 9780142300831 / 0142300837
- Weight 0.59 lbs (0.27 kg)
- Dimensions 8.47 x 5.48 x 0.72 in (21.51 x 13.92 x 1.83 cm)
- Reading level 830
- Demographic Orientation: Urban
- Topical: Coming of Age
- Topical: Friendship
- Library of Congress subjects Family problems, Interpersonal relations
- Library of Congress Catalog Number 2001048436
- Dewey Decimal Code FIC
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From the largest selection of used titles, we put quality, affordable books into the hands of readers
From the outside, they're simply a group of urban teenagers. But from the inside, they're some of the most complex people you'll ever meet. There's Eric, fiercely protective of his brother Mickey-but he has a secret that holds together his past and future. Sonia, struggling to live the life of a good Muslim girl in a foreign America. Gingerbread and Keisha, who fall in love despite themselves. Life Is Funny strips away the defenses of one group of teenagers living today, right now-and shows their unbearably real lives.
"First novelist Frank breaks new ground with a realistic, lyrical novel about eleven teens in Brooklyn now . . . Their talk is painful, rough, sexy, funny, fearful, furious, gentle. Each chapter, each vignette within a chapter, builds to its own climax, and the stories weave together to surprise you." (Booklist, starred review)
"An astounding first effort." (Kirkus Reviews, pointer review)
"First novelist Frank breaks new ground with a realistic, lyrical novel about eleven teens in Brooklyn now . . . Their talk is painful, rough, sexy, funny, fearful, furious, gentle. Each chapter, each vignette within a chapter, builds to its own climax, and the stories weave together to surprise you." (Booklist, starred review)
"An astounding first effort." (Kirkus Reviews, pointer review)
Media reviews
- Kliatt, 07/01/2002, Page 18
- Publishers Weekly, 03/25/2002, Page 0
- PW Notes and Reprints, 03/25/2002, Page 67