Antiquities of Great-Britain, illustrated in views of Monasteries, Castles, and Churches, now existing. Engraved from drawings made by Thomas Hearne. - 1786
by Hearne, Thomas (Byrne, W. engraver)
- Used
- Hardcover
- first
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- Title Antiquities of Great-Britain, illustrated in views of Monasteries, Castles, and Churches, now existing. Engraved from drawings made by Thomas Hearne.
- Author Hearne, Thomas (Byrne, W. engraver)
- Edition Subscribers edition
- Condition Used - See item description
- Publisher Printed by James Phillips, in George Yard, Lombard Street, and Published by T. Hearne and W. Byrne., London
- Date 1786-1801
- Bookseller's Inventory # biblio104