Author Biographies and Bibliographies
Looking for author biographies? We have compiled more than 523 author biographies and bibliographies to aid you in finding the books you are looking for. You'll be hard-pressed to find a more comprehensive list of author biographies online anywhere! Click on an author's name below to read the author's biography, and to view a list of books he or she has written. If you can't find the author biography you are looking for, check back often, as we frequently update this author biography list.
Author Last Name Index:
- Bagnold, Enid
- Baldacci, David
- Baldwin, James
- Barker, Pat
- Barrie, J.M.
- Barth, John
- Baum, L. Frank
- Baxter, Stephen
- Bear, Greg
- Beckett, Samuel
- Bellow, Saul
- Bemelmans, Ludwig
- Benford, Gregory
- Bester, Alfred
- Bethke, Bruce
- Bishop, Michael
- Blake, Quentin
- Blake, William
- Blaylock., James P
- Blish, James
- Blume, Judy
- Blyton, Enid
- Bond, Michael
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
- Bourdain, Anthony
- Boyle, T. Coraghessan
- Bradbury, Ray
- Bradford, Barbara
- Brin, David
- Bronte, Charlotte
- Brookner, Anita
- Brooks, Gwendolyn
- Brooks, Terry
- Brown, Dan
- Brown, Marc
- Brunner, John
- Bryan, Ashley
- Bryson, Bill
- Buck, Pearl S.
- Bujold, Lois McMaster
- Bukowski, Charles
- Burke, James Lee
- Burnett, Frances Hodgson
- Burnford, Sheila
- Burns, Robert
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice
- Butler, Octavia
- Byatt, A. S.
- Cadigan, Pat
- Caldecott, Randolph
- Cameron, W Bruce
- Campbell, Joseph
- Camus, Albert
- Card, Orson Scott
- Carey, Peter
- Carle, Eric
- Carnegie, Dale
- Carr, Emily
- Carroll, Lewis
- Cartland, Barbara
- Castaneda, Carlos
- Cather, Willa
- Cerf, Bennett
- Chabon, Michael
- Chandler, Raymond
- Cheever, John
- Cherryh., C. J.
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith
- Child, Julia
- Child, Lee
- Chomsky, Noam
- Christie, Agatha
- Ciccone, Madonna
- Clancy, Tom
- Clark - Poet, Leonard
- Clarke, Arthur C.
- Cleary, Beverly
- Clifton, Mark
- Coetzee, J. M.
- Colfer, Eoin
- Collins, Billy
- Collins, Wilkie
- Connelly, Michael
- Conrad, Joseph
- Cornwell, Bernard
- Cornwell, Patricia
- Corsi, Jerome
- Cozzens, James Gould
- Crace, Jim
- Crocker, Betty
- Cunningham, Michael
- Cussler, Clive
- Dahl, Roald
- Davidson, Lionel
- Dawkins, Richard
- de Beauvoir, Simone
- De Brunhoff, Jean
- de Cervantes, Miguel
- de Lint, Charles
- de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine
- Defoe, Daniel
- Delany, Samuel R.
- DeLillo, Don
- DeMille, Nelson
- Deveraux, Jude
- Dibdin, Thomas Frognall
- Dick, Philip K
- Dickens, Charles
- Dickey, James
- Dickinson, Emily
- Didion, Joan
- Dillard, Annie
- Dixon, Franklin W.
- Doctorow, E. L.
- Dorsey, Candas Jane
- Douglass, Frederick
- Doyle, Roddy
- Dr. Seuss
- du Maurier, Daphne
- Dumas, Alexandre
- Dumas, Henry
- Duncan, Dave
- Farmer, Philip Jose
- Faulkner, William
- Fauset, Jessie
- Ferber, Edna
- Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
- Field, Rachel
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott
- Fitzgerald, Penelope
- Fitzgerald, Zelda
- Fleming, Ian
- Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley
- Follett, Ken
- Ford, John M
- Ford, Richard
- Forsyth, Frederick
- Foucault, Michel
- Fox, Paula
- Francis, Dick
- Frankl, Viktor
- Franzen, Jonathan
- Frazier, Charles
- Freud, Sigmund
- Friedan, Betty
- Frost, Robert
- Fry, Stephen
- Gabaldon, Diana
- Gaboriau, Émile
- Gaddis, William
- Gag, Wanda
- Gaiman, Neil
- Gaines, Ernest
- García Márquez, Gabriel
- Garrison, Jim
- George, Elizabeth
- Ghosh, Amitav
- Gibran, Kahlil
- Gibson, William
- Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
- Gladwell, Malcolm
- Glasgow, Ellen
- Glasse, Hannah
- Gluck, Louise
- Golden, Christopher
- Golding, William
- Goldman, Emma
- Goldwater, Barry
- Goodkind, Terry
- Gordimer, Nadine
- Gorey, Edward
- Gotlieb, Phyllis
- Grafton, Sue
- Graham, Billy
- Grant, Richard
- Grau, Shirley Ann
- Greene, Graham
- Grey, Zane
- Griffith, Nicola
- Grimm, Brothers
- Grisham, John
- Gurnah, Abdulrazak
- Guthrie, A. B., Jr.
- Gygax, Gary
- Habermas, Jurgen
- Haldeman, Joe
- Hale, Edward
- Hall, Radclyffe
- Hamilton, Laurell K.
- Hansberry, Lorraine
- Harris, Joel Chandler
- Harris, Kamala
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel
- Heaney, Seamus
- Heinlein, Robert A
- Hemingway, Ernest
- Henry, O
- Herbert, Frank
- Herbert, James
- Herge
- Herriot, James
- Hersey, John
- Hesse, Herman
- Hiaasen, Carl
- Hibbert, Eleanor
- Highsmith, Patricia
- Hill, Napoleon
- Hillerman, Tony
- Hinton, S.E.
- Hitchens, Christopher
- Hobb, Robin
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell
- Hooks, Bell
- Horne, Charles
- Horwitz, Tony
- Hosseini, Khaled
- Howe, Julia
- Hubbard, L. Ron
- Hulme, Keri
- Hurston, Zora Neale
- Huxley, Aldous
- L'Engle, Madeleine
- La Fountaine, George
- Lahiri, Jhumpa
- le Carre, John
- Le Guin, Ursula
- Leaf, Munro
- Lee, Harper
- LeGuin, Ursula K.
- Leiber, Fritz
- Leon, Donna
- Leonard, Elmore
- Lesieg, Theo
- Lessing, Doris
- Lewis, C.S.
- Lewis, Sinclair
- Lindsey, Hal
- Lindsey, Johanna
- Lofting, Hugh
- London, Jack
- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
- Lowrey, Janette Sebring
- Lucas, George
- Ludlum, Robert
- Lurie, Alison
- MacArthur, John F.
- MacDonald, George
- MacLachlan, Patricia
- Mailer, Norman
- Malamud, Bernard
- Marquand, John Phillips
- Marsh, Ngaio
- Martel, Yann
- Marter, Ian
- Martin, Ann
- Martin, Malachi
- Maugham, W. Somerset
- McAuley, Paul J
- McBain, Ed
- McCaffrey, Anne
- McCarthy, Cormac
- McCloskey, Robert
- McDaniel, Lurlene
- McEwan, Ian
- McGuire, Seanan
- McKillip, Patricia A
- McMurtry, Larry
- McPherson, James Alan
- Melville, Herman
- Merton, Thomas
- Michener, James A.
- Mieville, China
- Millar, Margaret
- Milne, A A
- Mitchell, David
- Mitchell, Margaret
- Momaday, N. Scott
- Montgomery, L M
- Montgomery, Lucy Maud
- Morrison, Toni
- Moshfegh, Ottessa
- Munro, Alice
- Murdoch, Iris
- Murnane, Gerald
- Murphy, Pat
- Panshin, Alexei
- Paolini, Christopher
- Park, Barbara
- Parker, Robert B
- Patron, Susan
- Patterson, James
- Paulsen, Gary
- Penny, Louise
- Percy, Walker
- Perry, Anne
- Peters, Elizabeth
- Pfister, Marcus
- Piercy, Marge
- Pike, Christopher
- Piper, Watty
- Plath, Sylvia
- Plato
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- Pohl, Frederik
- Politi, Leo
- Poole, Ernest
- Porter, Katherine Anne
- Potter, Beatrix
- Powers, Tim
- Pratchett, Terry
- Proulx, E. Annie
- Pullman, Philip
- Pyle, Howard
- Pynchon, Thomas
- Rand, Ayn
- Ransome, Arthur
- Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan
- Rawls, Wilson
- Ray, Rachel
- Redmond, Eugene
- Rey, H A
- Rhys, Jean
- Rice, Anne
- Richter, Conrad
- Rinehart, Mary
- Riordan, Rick
- Roberts, Nora
- Roberts, Oral
- Robinson, Kim Stanley
- Rossetti, Christina
- Roth, Philip
- Rowling, J.K.
- Roy, Arundhati
- Rubens, Bernice
- Rucker, Rudy
- Rushdie, Salman
- Russell, Bertrand
- Russell, Mary Doria
- Ryman, Geoff
- Sachar, Louis
- Sackville-West, Vita
- Sagan, Carl
- Sandburg, Carl
- Sawyer, Robert J
- Scott, Sir Walter
- Sendak, Maurice
- Sewell, Anna
- Shaara, Michael
- Shakespeare, William
- Sheldon, Sidney
- Shields, Carol
- Silverberg, Robert
- Simak, Clifford D
- Simenon, Georges
- Simmons, Dan
- Sinclair, Upton
- Smiley, Jane
- Smith, Michael Marshall
- Smith, Wilbur
- Snicket, Lemony
- Sontag, Susan
- Sophocles
- Sparks, Kerrelyn
- Sparks, Nicholas
- Speare, Elizabeth George
- Spiegelman, Art
- Spinelli, Jerry
- Springsteen, Bruce
- Stafford, Jean
- Steadman, Ralph
- Steel, Danielle
- Stegner, Wallace
- Steinbeck, John
- Steiner, Rudolf
- Stephenson, Neal
- Sterling, Bruce
- Stevenson, Robert Louis
- Stewart, James B.
- Stewart, Sean
- Stine, R.L.
- Stone, Robert
- Strunk, William
- Styron, William
- Swanwick, Michael
- Swift, Graham
- Swift, Jonathan
- Wain, Louis
- Walcott, Derek
- Walker, Alice
- Wallace, Edgar
- Walton, Izaak
- Ward, Jesmyn
- Warren, Rick
- Warren, Robert Penn
- Weiss, Brian
- Wells, Helen
- Welty, Eudora
- Wentworth, Patricia
- West, Cornel
- West, Dorothy
- Wharton, Edith
- Wheatley, Phillis
- White, Elwyn Brooks
- Whitehead, Colson
- Whitney, Phyllis
- Wilde, Oscar
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls
- Wilder, Thornton
- Wilhelm, Kate
- Willems, Mo
- Williams, Margery
- Williams, Thomas Lanier
- Willis, Connie
- Wilson, Robert Charles
- Wolfe, Gene
- Wolfe, Thomas
- Wolfe, Tom
- Wollstonecraft, Mary
- Woolf, Virginia
- Wordsworth, William
- Wortis, Edward Irving
- Wouk, Herman
- Wright, Charles